Since I'm always talking about the various special genes my first generation Norns have, I decided to document more clearly exactly what changes were made.
There are a few genes all the Norns have in common. They all have the "updated" drive reactions from the Forest Norn genome, meaning they don't get punished for silly things like getting hungry. They also all have a gene that causes them to die of old age. Finally, they have an extra stimulus gene that reduces their sex drive when they are slapped.
Kratos, who is still fascinated by sealife, is a Purple Mountain Norn, meaning he is vulnerable to geddonase and has the "purple mountain alcohol" genes. However, he has a Forest Norn concept lobe AND the Ron fight-or-flight (ForF) genes.
Regal always seems to be asleep when I go to take a picture of him. He is completely boring and normal with no special genes at all. His genome is an unmutated hatchery genome, plus the universal changes detailed above.
Zelos has a more interesting genome. It is based on the Wood Norn genome (which I think I'll look at more closely in the near future) plus the ForF genes from the Ron genome (which I'll also examine later on). In addition, he has one altered reaction and one new emitter. His genes are listed first, followed by the Ron genes.
Note that none of these changes account for his perpetually high life force, which hasn't dropped below 86 since he became an adult.
335 65 0 Emb B MutDupCut 1*Fear + 1*Turnase => 1*Anger + 1*<NONE>; half-life = 24.
336 65 0 Emb B MutDupCut 1*Fear + 1*Turnase => 1*Anger + 1*<NONE>; half-life = 32.
The numbers are different, but this is the same gene. This is the Turnase reaction, which converts fear into anger. It triggers the "fight" response. In Zelos, this reaction occurs more quickly. He may start out fleeing, but changes more quickly to fighting than a normal Ron.
337 29 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Drive Levels Pain, chem=Turnase, thresh=80, samp=16, gain=8, features=Digital
This is a novel gene. Zelos produces Turnase when in pain. So, being attacked makes him angry. However, I haven't noticed much difference in his behavior due to to this. He and the other ForF Norns seem to slap a little more than the others, especially when confined, but that's all.
Lloyd has several changes that cause him to become bored more easily and make him more likely to travel. All Norns like playing with lifts, but I do think Lloyd is more attracted to movers and such than normal, especially since he's a little ADD. As always, his altered and new genes are listed first, and the equivalent gene from a hatchery Norn is listed second.
130 4 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=Boredom, thresh=0, samp=20, gain=12, features=Inverted Digital
130 4 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=Boredom, thresh=0, samp=25, gain=8, features=Inverted Digital
136 5 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=NFP, thresh=0, samp=58, gain=16, features=Inverted Digital
136 5 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=NFP, thresh=0, samp=64, gain=10, features=Inverted Digital
287 23 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Drive Levels Boredom, chem=Adrenaline, thresh=232, samp=30, gain=7, features=Analogue
287 23 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Drive Levels Boredom, chem=Adrenaline, thresh=232, samp=25, gain=7, features=Analogue
312 27 0 You B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=Boredom, thresh=0, samp=42, gain=16, features=Inverted Analogue
312 27 0 You B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, I'm Asleep, chem=Boredom, thresh=0, samp=47, gain=8, features=Inverted Analogue
Most of these genes say basically the same thing: Lloyd gets more bored more quickly than normal. "Samp" refers to the sample rate, or how quickly the chemical is released into the system. "Gain" affects the amount released. Gene 287, however, is a little different: Lloyd gets stressed about being bored more slowly than normal. I wasn't sure how huge these other changes would be, and I didn't want to cause him undue stress and the consequential rapid aging and infertility just for my genetic experimentation!
103 14 0 Emb B Mut 'I've Activated1' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0, , , => 3*Tiredness++ + 22*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>
103 14 0 Emb B Mut 'I've Activated1' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0, , , => 3*Tiredness++ + 16*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>
104 15 0 Emb B Mut 'I've Activated2' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0, , , => 3*Tiredness++ + 22*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>
104 15 0 Emb B Mut 'I've Activated2' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0, , , => 3*Tiredness++ + 16*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>
These two stimulus genes come into play when a Norn "pushes" or "pulls" an object. Lloyd gets more boredom decrease from these activities than average. He also has the Forest Norn gene that makes hearing new words more interesting. So, while he gets bored more quickly, he can also satisfy his boredom easier.
The following genes were directly inspired by similar genes in one of the genetically modified Norns available from the Norn Underground before it closed.
134 4 0 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Stay => 188*Punishment
134 4 0 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Stay => 177*Punishment
Lloyd suffers a bit more punishment for doing nothing when bored.
325 33 0 Emb B Mut Cut General Sensory i/ps I am in a vehicle + Stim source i/ps Mover + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Come => 127*Reward
326 34 0 Emb B Mut Cut Drive i/ps Boredom + Stim source i/ps Lift + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Come => 255*Reward
327 35 0 Emb B Mut Cut Drive i/ps Boredom + Stim source i/ps Red + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 127*Reward
328 36 0 Emb B Mut Cut Drive i/ps Boredom + Stim source i/ps Mover + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Come => 255*Reward
These genes are all new and encourage Lloyd to use movers, buttons, and lifts, especially when bored.
Emil is primarily a normal Forest Norn, with a few modifications. As I've mentioned before, these have a surprisingly strong effect on his in-game personality.
The first change made to Emil's genome is the addition of the "flight" ForF genes. This half of the gene suite converts anger to fear and causes him to flee from things he considers dangerous, stressful, or frightening. Without the "fight" genes, he rarely chooses violence in such a situation. In addition, he has the following altered and new emitter genes.
141 10 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, Crowdedness, chem=Crowdedness, thresh=0, samp=75, gain=60, features=Analogue
141 10 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Sensorimotor, Crowdedness, chem=Crowdedness, thresh=0, samp=75, gain=51, features=Analogue
336 29 0 Emb B MutDupCut Creature, Drive Levels Crowdedness, chem=Fear, thresh=160, samp=49, gain=8, features=Digital
Emil becomes more crowded than a normal Norn. In addition, when he is very crowded, he becomes fearful. At best, he dislikes crowds, and at worst he has a phobia of them. This certainly hasn't crippled him when it comes to interacting with others, but he is definitely a loner by comparison.
Genis is the youngest male Norn in Albia. After the last few, it's a relief to say that Genis is almost complete unaltered! He is just a White-Haired Pixie Norn with a Forest Norn brain. Like Kratos, I can't say I really see a difference in his intelligence level compared to the others.
This discussion is continued with the females here.
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